GOOD Mentoring

Opportunity to have some one-on-one time with our mentors for your open data initiatives.


What Is Mentoring And How Does It Work?


Helpful Discussions …

GOOD mentoring is a benefit of a corporate membership and allows your organization to have a primary discussion and follow-up “coffee break” chats with one of the GOOD mentors. No cost - it’s part of the Corporate membership package. Make a mentoring request, we’ll connect with you and confirm the focus of the discussion and setup the call dates to chat with one of our experienced mentors.

Not a corporate member, click on the link below to join.


A Few Scenarios …

You’ve been mandated to start an open data initiative but not sure how to start - let’s chat

You’ve been doing open data as a test and need to define a policy - let’s chat

What data should I make open to what standards and what about privacy - let’s chat

We’ve had open data for a few years but having problems getting it going - let’s chat

More …

Some Mentoring Specifics


What It Is …

The primary mentoring session (online) is slated to be approximately an hour to provide insight and references for the main focus defined by the member. It is expected that the member would benefit a couple of follow-up “coffee break” chats to clarify prior discussion. The mentoring activity is available to the member organization once a year and available again once the organization renews its membership - same terms, discussion topics defined by the member.

What It’s Not

Not consulting. It should be clear that the mentoring discussions are not to be construed as having been consulted in open data. For more extensive requirements such as an open data strategy and implementation plan, organizations will need to seek consulting services in the private or not-for-profit sector.

Disclaimer And Confidentiality

The request form for mentoring includes a disclaimer related to the mentoring outcomes and also a note that states that all discussions and information gleaned through those discussions will be held in confidence. There is an option for the organization to agree to anonymously provide their material as part of a FAQ section on the mentoring page and/or provide the information as a use case.


 If you’d like to investigate further, please click on the button below. Have a look at the content of the form and decide if you want to proceed.